URLEncoding doesn't take care of this problem?

In Response To: 

Hi; (using: centos, apache 2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.21, tomcat 6)

Recently, I encountered a problem with URIs that has 'non western
European' characters (for example:
). I noticed that apache was forwarding to tomcat a different URI than
the original which caused problems in my site.


Digging into the subject I found the JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
fixed my problem. However, I then encountered a different problem then.
On the first hit, some images were not displayed in the browser (not
served to it). So I checked the forums and found out about the
JkStripSession. I figured it might help so I turned it on but nothing


My questions are:

1.      Should the JkStripSession help in this case? Was there a known
bug in my apache/mod_jk versions related to this (couldn't find in
2.      How should I solve this? The only thing I need is to be able to
forward URIs with 'special characters' as is to tomcat for a specific
application (context)


I am really out of my element here so I would appreciate your help

Thanks in advance


Related forum topic I found:





The configuration I thought would work but had the image loading

JkMount /* ajp13
JkStripSession On

JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed

#i think the following has nothing to do with my problem but its here
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^waves.co.il$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$
http://www.xwave.co.il$1 [R,L] 




Guy Katz
Allot Communications * a mind for networks(tm)
Tel: + 972 9 761 928 8
Fax: + 972 9 744 362 6
www.allot.com <http://www.allot.com/> 



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