you need the private key in order to run SSL, but you can import the private key, so ask the folks from your company for the private key, here is the info how you import it,
someone else posted it this week


bajistaman wrote:
I'm having the same problem. Some people from my company created the
Certificate Signing Request and the only thing that I've received was an
email with the certificate, then I tried to install it and I had the same
problems that Werner has. Do I have to do all over again from Tomcat from
the private key, CSR, ...?



#Generate a private key
keytool -storepass changeit -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

#Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
keytool -storepass changeit -certreq -alias tomcat -file name.csr
#Send the CSR to get a certificate

#Import the intermediate cert
keytool -storepass changeit -import -alias intermediateCA -trustcacerts
-file intermediateCA.cer

#Import the cert
keytool -storepass changeit -import -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -file

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