Everything is possible, but unlikely. Please try running server stack trace from http://tmitevski.users.mcs2.netarray.com/stacktrace/app/launch.jnlp to get a thread dump. It will show the list of threads and what locks they have acquired and what locks they are waiting for.

- Alexey.

Wm.A.Stafford wrote:
We are deploying a newer version of a web app to run in the same Tomcat instance (1.4.31) as the existing version. On our development servers, winXP, if the new version encounters a startup problem the production app will start and only the new version will fail.

On the production server, which is linux, Tomcat seems to 'hang' on the first failure encountered when starting the new app and nothing further happens. Tomcat has to be restarted after deleting the new app when it enters this state. In the localhost log the last log entry is the exception logged from the new app and there is no further logging. Since we have been doing some database changes the usual error that causes this is Jakarta DBCP connection failure but we have also seen it for a missing class file. So I don't think the error per se is at the root of the problem.

To me this looks like a deadlock. Is it possible for one Tomcat web application to deadlock with another? An obvious difference is windows vs linux servers. Could there be some config issue for Tomcat on linux that would lead to this behavior?

We are completely stumped by this, any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Alexey N. Solofnenko <http://trelony.cjb.net/>
Pleasant Hill, CA (GMT-8 usually)

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