Hi Henk,

Henk Fictorie wrote:

We are using mod_jk 1.2.21 on Solaris 8. together Apache 2.0.59 with the
worker MPM.
We are moving our applicationserver to a new version which is also using a
new Tomcat version. We now have a split application which is using both
Tomcat 5.0 and the other part is using Tomcat 5.5. For tomcat 5.5 we set the
connectionTimeout to 10 minutes, for 5.0 it is set to 0 (infinite)

For Tomcat 5.0 we see lots more ESTABLISHED connections than for Tomcat 5.5.
While I expected it to be the same.

Hmmm. Maybe I'm missing the point, but I would not share your expectation: if you disable the idle connection timeout for TC 5.0, we will keep the idle connections around for a long time. OK, you've got an idle timeout on the JK side, but it will shrink the pool only until half of its maximum size. E.g. if you allow 25 threads per process with httpd, the pool will never shrink smaller than 13 connections (unless it didn't yet grow to this size) per process.

Of course, since you didn't give us numbers, I'm not sure if this suffices to explain your observation.

For the Tomcat 5.0 connections we do not see any errors (except for client
For the Tomcat 5.5 connections we see errors occuring, claiming that it
cannot connect to Tomcat:

[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [info] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1215): dummy) error sending request. Will
try another pooled connection
[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [info] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1241): (dummy) all endpoints are
[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [info] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1244): (dummy) increase the backend idle
connection timeout or the connection_pool_minsize
[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [info]  ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c
(1930): (dummy) sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation
[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c
(1942): (dummy) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started
or is listening on the wrong port
[Thu Sep 06 09:17:15 2007] [2735:0061] [info]  service::jk_lb_worker.c
(1023): service failed, worker dummy is in error state

most of those are only info messages. They are telling us, that jk tried to use a connection, that has already been closed by Tomcat. Only the last line is an error. Usually a closed connection is not a problem, we simply search for another one in the connection cache. If we can't find an open connection, we use retry number 2 to open a new one. Since you set retries to 1, this will not happen.

On the mod_jk side of things we use the same settings for both applications:


# worker template

On the tomcat 5.0 side the connectionTimeout is set to 0 (infinite)

    <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteConnector"
               port="xxxx"  minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="500"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0" enableLookups="true"
                connectionTimeout="0" useURIValidationHack="false"
protocolHandlerClassName="org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler" />

On the tomcat 5.5 site the connectionTimeout is set to 10 minutes:

    <Connector port="xxxx" address="a.b.c.d" enableLookups="false"
        minSpareThreads="20" maxThreads="750" acceptCount="10"
        redirectPort="8443" debug="0" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

So, on the timeout settings for Tomcat 5.5 I am using the recommended values
described in the 'timeouts howto' section.
The info messages suggest that I should increase the connectionTimeout on
the Tomcat side. Probably to some value > (connection_pool_timeout +
Or should I set the connection_pool_minsize to match the minSpareThreads??
Or upgrade to mod_jk 1.2.25??

Advice is welcome.

regards Henk Fictorie



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