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Edd Dawson wrote:
> Should add that I'm coming at this not as the person who set it up, also
> configuring this is not my area of expertise (if you hadn't noticed!).

You'll do fine ;)

> within the httpd.conf and workers2.properties there are no references to
> JkMount, which i guess may be the issue, am i right in assuming that apache
> will be passing everything to tomcat?

It looks like mod_jk2 uses directives in workers2.properties like this:

In mod_jk, this would be:

JkMount /examples/* worker1

If you were using 'worker1' as the configured worker.

Look for [uri:] lines in your workers2.properties file and post them.
I'm guessing it's something like [uri:/*]. You probably want something
like this:

[uri:/yourapp/*/j_security_check] (if you're using container auth)
[uri:/yourapp/servlet/*]   (if you're using the 'default' servlet)
[uri:/yourapp/*.do]                       (if you're using struts)

You may need to map other things individually if you are having Tomcat
serve things like static content. If you are using Apache httpd, I'd
recommend having Apache httpd serve that static content for you.

> I've done some digging but i'm not all that clear on how or where JkMount
> should be fitted in to the config, can anyone give any pointers?

As you've discovered, JkMount is appropriate only for mod_jk. I would
highly recommend upgrading to mod_jk... it's not hard, and if your
configuration is as simple as it sounds (send all requests to Tomcat),
migration should be fairly easy. I'd be glad to help.

- -chris

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