I'm working with Tomcat 5.5.23.
        The users are complaining that they need to log in a lot of
times during the day,
        therefore I took a look at logs and, to my surprise, I found out
that there are missing requests!
        What I mean is that on the logs I can read something like:
         10-set-2007 10.18.44 INFO:  [MyApp/MyServlet] "My Message"
         10-set-2007 10.27.56 INFO:  [MyApp/MyServlet] "My Message"
        while the users performed 3 requests (e.g. at 10.18, at 10.21
and at 10.18)!!!!
        And I'm sure he did because he updated DB tables and I can see
the "last update time" in those tables.
        Therefore my servlet processed all the requests, but tomcat
somehow logged only two of them.
        This behaviour on one hand makes me loose important logging
        on the other hand make the session expire sooner than what they
        Any suggestions about it?
        What can I do to monitor what's going on there?

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