Sorry if this was posted twice, I wasn't sure if my first send went through
(maybe this is what's happening with Tomcat for me. :-))




I'm a bit confused. I have a web start application that works as follows:


I generate an Outlook email with HTML containing a hyperlink to a jsp page
as follows:




The code for the jsp page is as follows (much thanks to Nicholas Sushkin for
his help on this):





 xmlns:c=""; version="1.2">




        String requestPath = request.getRequestURL().toString();

        requestPath = 

           (requestPath == null) 

           ? "" 

           : requestPath.substring(0, requestPath.lastIndexOf('/'));

        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public");


  <jsp:element name="jnlp">

    <jsp:attribute name="spec">1.0+</jsp:attribute>

    <jsp:attribute name="codebase">




      <title>Armanta Report Runner</title>

      <vendor>Armanta, Inc.</vendor>

      <description>Run a Report</description>



      <j2se version="1.4+" />

      <jar href="armanta-war.jar" main="true" />











This then builds and executes a jnlp page on the fly with the arguments
passed in from the original URL being passes as arguments to my main class.


It works really well. Perhaps too well!!! I find that Tomcat is running
something twice such that my code is running twice, as if I clicked on the
link twice. I see my web start splash screen twice.


Strange thing is, it doesn't always happen! It was happening before, but now
it's not, and I'm sure in a little while it will happen again. Has anyone
seen something like this? What would be the best way for me to debug this





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