When doing cross-context invocations of a portlet in Liferay that references container-managed Datasources by JNDI, I get:-
Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver The driver JAR was in <SERVER>/lib. When I put dbcp, commons-pool and the driver JAR in the portlet WAR file and create the Datasource myself, no problem. When looking up the container Datasource directly from a JSP (no cross-context webapp invocation), no problem. I tried upgrading to a later JDK 6 Oracle 11i driver, but no luck, the problem was not specific to Oracle's driver version. Other people have had classloading problems too, and said it's a bug in TC6 with use of Class.forName() So I stuck with TC5.5 on JDK 5 for the moment - the problem's blocking our upgrade path. Is this a known fault with TC6 that will be fixed?