I suspect it is not working due to the axis servlets location under /top/.
  '<url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>' might only work for the root context and
not any subcontexts/subdirectories.

Something else that might be of interest.  Today, I am going to release
JAMon 2.7 which contains a Tomcat valve that will keep aggregate stats for
all pages/resources in tomcat.  It will also allow you to to view stack
traces via a web app, and view the slowest and most recent pages that were

Valves work at the server level as opposed to servlet filters which work at
the wep app level, so you shouldn't have this problem.   You simply add a
valve line to your server.xml file.  In addition jamon can also monitor jdbc
connections, ejb calls, and log4j calls declartively without changes to your


On 9/20/07, Jim Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I developed a simple logging filter to debug some performance problems
> on a Tomcat 5.0.19 installation. It works well for the requests it
> sees, but the filter does not see requests serviced by a
> .wsdd-deployed Axis servlet.
> Anyone have any help/info/pointers to offer?
> Only one webapp is defined on this server, the filter is mapped in
> web.xml with the following:
> <filter>
>   <filter-name>MyLogFilter</filter-name>
>   <filter-class>blah.blah.blah.MyLogFilter</filter-class>
>   <init-param>
>     <param-name>ignoredUrls</param-name>
>     <param-value>
>     </param-value>
>   </init-param>
>   <init-param>
>     <param-name>ignoredPatterns</param-name>
>     <param-value>
>     </param-value>
>   </init-param>
> </filter>
> <filter-mapping>
>   <filter-name>MyLogFilter</filter-name>
>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
> </filter-mapping>
> Axis is configured in the same web.xml file via:
>   <servlet>
>     <servlet-name>AxisServlet</servlet-name>
>     <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>
>     <servlet-class>
>         org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet
>     </servlet-class>
>   </servlet>  <servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-name>AxisServlet</servlet-name>
>     <url-pattern>/top/*</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
> The Axis details are specified by a "server-config.wsdd" file in the
> webapp's WEB-INF directory.
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