Hi all,

  I have a JSP that calls some code that requires permissions that
aren't in the default grant block in catalina.policy.  Even though those
permissions are granted to the code that is being called, I'm getting
access exceptions when the JSP is loaded.  I believe this is because the
JSP (or rather the class it is compiled into) does not have the
necessary permissions itself.  I have been able to solve this by
including the new permissions in the default grant block.  Of course,
this not only grants those permissions to the JSP but also to all code
in the JVM.

  I'm wondering if it is possible to grant permissions only to JSPs or a
subset of JSPs.  It's not clear to me how to do this in catalina.policy.
Do you have any ideas as to how this might be done?

  Thanks for your consideration.

  - Matt Munz


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