Hi i've asked for help a week ago and the anwers i get i didn't help me i would realy appreciate some help here i'm reading a csv file that i upload by commons.fileupload , when i just open the file on the HD and use a function to read it everything is ok but when i try to upload it the charEncoding gets all mixed up and i can't convert it back to hebrew no matter what i try .
here is how i configed everything related
and i've tried allmost all charencoding i can think of with
public String convertEncoding(String isoString,String before,String after)


String utf8String = null;

if (null != isoString && !isoString.equals(""))




byte[] stringBytesISO = isoString.getBytes(before);

utf8String = new String(stringBytesISO,after);


catch(Exception e)


// As we can't translate just send back the best guess.

System.out.println("UnsupportedEncodingException is: " + e.getMessage());

utf8String = isoString;





utf8String = isoString;


return utf8String;


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

in the jsp  i allso use request.setcharcterencoding("utf8")

when i open the csv with firefox on HD and properties->encoding it says windows1255

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