*Keep your .war file outside of Tomcat's directory structure and
create a file in conf/Catalina/[host] named ROOT.xml; this file must
contain a <Context> element with a docBase attribute that gives the
location of your .war file*
I tried doing this. But its not working, and the page is still going to to
default administrator page.

*Well, actually, it's not.  Are you running a real version of Tomcat (one
downloaded from tomcat.apache.org), or do have some 3rd-party repackaged
junk?  If the latter, I'd strongly recommend throwing it away and
installing a real Tomcat.*

I downloaded the application from tomcat.apache.org. and the installation
type is 'full'. Its actually not going to 'manager/html' but the url is
still 'http://localhost/'.

what i want is if if give 'http://localhost/' it should go to '
how can i do that. Is there any configuration i have to change?
Pavan S. Kumar

On 10/5/07, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Pavan Singaraju [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: My own web page as tomcat default web page
> >
> > On 10/5/07, Nathan Bahr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Try renaming MyApp(.jar) to ROOT(.jar) in the webapps directory.
> We'll assume you meant .war, not .jar, in the above.
> > Is there any other way of doing the configuration? I should
> > not rename my application.
> The default webapp must be deployed as ROOT - no ifs, ands, or buts.
> It's not likely that you want to deploy your application twice, once as
> ROOT and once as MyApp, but that is an option.  If you insist on not
> renaming your .war file, you have a couple of options:
> 1) Write a simple filter, servlet, or .jsp that forwards (or redirects)
> requests for the default app to the desired one.
> 2) Keep your .war file outside of Tomcat's directory structure and
> create a file in conf/Catalina/[host] named ROOT.xml; this file must
> contain a <Context> element with a docBase attribute that gives the
> location of your .war file.
> > > I have my application and i am configuring my server. By
> > > default when you give the URL it will be going to TOMCAT
> > > manager page. for e.g., 'http://locahost' will take you to
> > > 'http://localhost/manager/html' which is tomcat's default page.
> Well, actually, it's not.  Are you running a real version of Tomcat (one
> downloaded from tomcat.apache.org), or do have some 3rd-party repackaged
> junk?  If the latter, I'd strongly recommend throwing it away and
> installing a real Tomcat.
> - Chuck
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