I'm experiencing a problem with the FORM based authentication provided by
I've done almost (I think that everything!) that the doc requires to
configure a FORM
based authentication and doesn't work.
I have a DB with users and user-roles tables and data in those tables but
every time I try
to log in my application it will fail with no reason, nor log either!
I started thinking that any kind of authentication wasn't going to work, so
I tried using the
BASIC based one, which surprisingly worked :)
So, I don't know what is my mistake.
I'm sending here the content of my context xml file in

    <Resource   name="jdbc/PosgradoDS" auth="Container" type="
javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="10" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000"
                username="root" password="mysqlroot" driverClassName="

validationQuery="select * from TEST"/>

    <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"

            userTable="USERS" userNameCol="USER_NAME"
            userRoleTable="USER_ROLES" roleNameCol="ROLE_NAME"/>

The db schema has been also configured to let anyone to get a connection to
it, so that's not a problem
and I've also tried getting data from the DataSource configured from my app
and IT works fine!
(as u may see, the realm is not a DataSourceRealm because it doesn't work at
all, at least in my
case!!! Another problem for another thread I guess...)
The web.xml of my app is correctly configured and that's not the problem!

Does any of you what is my problem?


Nicolas Gonzalez

P.S.: OS: Ubuntu 7.0.4 / Tomcat: 5.5 / Java: 5 / DB: MySQL 5 just in case
any of u needs that info...

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