garbage collection is a reactive process, ie, it wont kick in until it really needs to.
and the time it takes for the GC, depends on your java heap size, -Xmx,

in JDK 1.5 you can specify GC goals like

to tell the JVM to try to align its GC to meet these goals, however, with JDK 1.4.2 you could try to make your heap smaller or to put in manual System.gc() at a periodic interval, neither of these options is what I like, I would just upgrade the JDK, even though you said its not an option, it would be your best bet

for a list of all your jvm options at hand, please take a look at


Bill Clarke-Fields wrote:
We are running an application on Tomcat 5.0.28 with Java 1.4.2.  The usage
of the application is very cyclical.  It is used heavily during the day, and
lightly at night.  During peak daytime hours, a full garbage collection
takes less than 2 seconds, which is fine.  However, after a long period of
inactivity in the evening, a full garbage collection will be triggered and
take a very long time.  Sometimes over a minute!

Is there any way to avoid this long garbage collection?  Why does it take so
long?  (Maybe because it is filling up with many small objects over time
rather than a few larger objects?)

Thanks for your help.

p.s. Upgrading to a newer version of Tomcat or Java is unfortunately not an
option at this point.

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