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Glen Vermeylen wrote:
> I posted the directory structure wrong.
> Web-inf is the root of the project
> WEB-INF/web.xml
> WEB-INF/content/*.jsp
> WEB-INF/src

That makes more (less?) sense. Now I know what you were trying to say.

Yes, that's weird that the source code is in the WEB-INF directory --
probably because it's pretty much useless in there and just makes the
WAR file bigger.

> What I posted earlier wouldn't have been a problem at all. Looking at the
> time, I think my mind was still on autopilot....

Thursday is the new Friday :)

> The problem is with the content-folder residing in the WEB-INF folder (the
> theoretical development environment is Novell ExteND or something, which
> no-one actually uses, but the project structure and ant script are still
> being used)

If you're using ant, couldn't you just script-out the foolishness?

Realistically, the only problem is that you want the project root to be
"." instead of "./WEB-INF", which seems more natural based on where the
files are. What's wrong with using "." and just always going into
WEB-INF/content to edit the JSPs?

Also, is there a problem moving WEB-INF/src to src? It's easy to change
the ant script to reflect this. I do know that moving directories around
in a revision control system is sometimes a real PITA (CVS, I'm looking
at /you/), but that small move would certainly help a lot.

There actually is a reason for putting the JSPs inside the WEB-INF
folder: to protect them from direct access. The way the original
developer(s) set things up, the user will be unable to request a JSP
directly: they must hit some other resource that performs a server-side
forward (or include, I suppose) in order to access a JSP.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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