On Oct 18, 2007, at 13:36:35, Patrick Coleman wrote:


I'm using liferay with Tomcat. I don't want the :8080 port to show up in the
I can prevent this using apache ProxyPass & ProxyPassReverse

The problem is that once inside Liferay all the tab reference the : 8080
again and
so it show back up in the URL.

I've read that mod_proxy_html & mod_proxy_http can take care of this but
from what I've
read they are not available in Apache 1.3.3 (we will be upgrading soon)

Does anyone know how I can get this to work.

Use mod_jk to resolve this, also, if you want to try a module that is specific to ajp13, I created the following mod_ajp13 (http://amavis- stats.com/downloads/mod_ajp13.tar.gz - with load balance support), it's basically a stripped down mod_jk that only contains the ajp13 related code so I can write a new module that will allow the integration to apache for virtualhosts so that the pages can be served by apache from the virtualhost document roots and not stored in the Tomcat document roots so that configuration only requires configuring apache virtualhosts.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Hiding-%3A8080- port-in-URL-tf4648550.html#a13279691
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-- Dale

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