

I have a class file that I would like to have always running on my
machine, independent of any web application.  My machine includes an
LCD, and so this class file will be a listener to the LCD Interface that
can react to button presses.    This class can also potentially interact
with the website code if the user initiates current functions.


Ideally I'd like to package up this class in my website war file and
have tomcat instantiate this class when it starts up.  I didn't see
anything in the tomcat doc that looked like this was possible.


Alternately if this code can instead be packaged up in a separate jar
file that gets loaded at startup, that would work too.  And technically
this is probably "more correct" since this code needs to run independent
of the website code.


My goal is to have the LCD Listener running in the same jvm as Tomcat so
I don't have to deal with the issues with different jvm's.


Can Tomcat load a class on startup?

I'm running Tomcat v6.0.14 on a Linux Fedora machine.




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