I have a difficult but severe problem with the tomcat service launcher
on windows server 2003.

Our application installs itself, tomcat, and a jvm, and then runs a
bat file which registers the tomcat server, using our provided jvm.

I _know_ this code works fine almost everywhere - it has been in use
for years, on dozens of systems.

However, we have a new customer, a 1/2 a world away, who has installed
our application on a Windows Server 2003 box with 4 GB of ram that is
using a Spanish Locale.  The server is brand new - so its an almost
perfectly clean install on windows.

After we register the tomcat service - the service refuses to start
tomcat.  There are no useful error messages - just something along the
lines of the service failed to start.  I'm not sure exactly, because
it's in Spanish.

It looks rather similar to this bug:
which if you ask me, has been closed completely prematurely by someone
who didn't understand the real problem.

When I run the tomcat5w.exe command - all of the parameters are set
correctly.  I cannot find any reason why this service refuses to start
on this particular configuration, yet - it won't run.  And it also
happens on another one of their machines (which is identical).

I also cannot reproduce the problem locally on my test systems - so I
still haven't been able to pinpoint what is different about their
configuration that is triggering this.


I have very limited ability to do debugging on the system that is
showing the problem.



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