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itay sahar wrote:
> i have an application running on tomcat 4.1.
> i want to make a huge addings to this application but first i want to work
> on tomcat 5.5 version.
> is there a way i can do it ? (i know it's not easy).

I recently upgraded 5 applications from 4.1.36 to 5.5.23 and it was
relatively smooth. The best advice I can give you is:

1. Move any <Realm> and/or <DataSource> elements from server.xml to
   [yourwebapp]/META-INF/context.xml (yes, that's META-INF, not WEB-INF)

2. Throw out your old server.xml. Start again with the one that ships
   with Tomcat 5.5 and customize it to meet your needs. You may find
   that, after doing #1 above that you no longer need any customizations
   to the server.xml file.

3. Throw out servlet-api.jar and servlet.jar from your application.
   Tomcat will ignore them at best (which I think is the case) and fail
   at worst.

> commons-beanutils.jar
> commons-collections-2.1.jar
> commons-dbcp-1.1.jar
> commons-digester.jar
> commons-logging.jar

You might want to check that you have the most recent (compatible)
versions of these libraries. I know that some of them have newer
versions. I wouldn't do this until after you have TC 5.5 working, though.

> mysql-connector-java-3.0.9-stable-bin.jar

Latest MySQL connector is 5.0.something (I have 5.0.7 right now). I
strongly recommend upgrading after you get everything else working. Note
that from 3.0 to 5.0 a lot of JDBC spec stuff was fixed (MySQL had not
been compliant in several instances) so some behavior has changed (for
instance, inserting more data than will fit into a character column now
throws an exception instead of issuing a warning). Check the docs to see
how to deal with these changes. In most cases, you can configure the
JDBC driver to revert to the old (non-JDBC-compliant) behavior.

> but i cannot use:javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
> and also javax.servlet.jsp.JspException is not available.

Do you have a problem compiling, or a problem deploying? Can you post a
full stack trace of the first error you encounter?

- -chris
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