We are running Tomcat 3.3.1a on a Windows Server 2003. A apache server is also 
installed on the machine as a proxy and it is connected with the tomcat through 
AJP12. Tomcat is running on JDK1.4.2_13.
Now to our problem. We have been running this setup for quite a while (a few 
years). But until recently, the load has increased. 
It seems like when there are quite many connections, then suddenly it is not 
possible to read the requestbody anymore. We get the request and we are seeing 
the request header, but when we want to read the body, it all seems to hang... 
At this time it seems like the threads are just stacking up and nothing is 
Other threads, such as timer-threads and file-listener threads, are running 
normally. It seems like only the request comming through the connectors (the 
AJP12 and HTTP) are hanging. 
Does anybody recognise these problems? And does anybody have any suggestions 
about how to fix this? 
We have tried to run without Apache and AJP12, but we got the same problem. 
I could mention that we know that we have mobile clients sending requests to 
the server and if the server is not responding within a certain time, they will 
"cut-off" the request. Could it be that tomcat is not "releasing" these 
Please, any suggestions would be very apprieciated! 
Thanks in advance! 
Marko Krejic

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