HARBOR: http://coolharbor.100free.com/index.htm
Now Tomcat is also a cool pojo application server

Snookered ;)
Dont think you can do that..

Choices are...
Multiple virtual hosts with their own appBase so you have multiple roots

You have everything in its own context and have root application that redirects to the right context.
Effectively ROOT is the index page for all contexts

You have a servlet in the root app that does Cross Context dispatch, ie its URL looks like a root but it calls the real webapps reference. Thing I'm not sure about is what sessions will do across, so even that I would restrict to TOP pages.

Cant think of another way....

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joan Monplet Ortega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 1:26 PM
Subject: I want two application web like root in the same Tomcat


I want to install two application web like ROOT application, because I need:

- Hidden context's name of url like:

http://<domain>/ where domain is a virtual host and its source code is in application web into webapps, so now when I try to show this domain I have to write http://domain/<name_context>/index.jsp (for example) and I don't want it.

If I move source code from my context to ROOT context, It runs.

But I have a problem because I have other application and I want make the same, but I have only ROOT application.


Into webapps I have app1 and app2, and both I want hidden their name_context in the url.

How I do it?



Joan Monplet Ortega -SoloStocks-
Departament Tècnic
Tel. 902 024 312 - Fax. 93 504 56 05

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