Peter Crowther wrote:
>> From: tbt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> it was working very fast before being deployed. About 30 people login
>> simultaneously to this application. Once this happens the
>> application is very slow.
> How many concurrent users do you test with, before you deploy?  30?  Or one 
> developer checking the functionality using a web browser?

... and a Tomcat install on his own computer, (classic blunder #238).


> What happens if you use a tool like JMeter to generate a load on your test 
> server that's similar to the load on your real server?  Is the test server 
> fast or slow?  If the test server's fast, the issue is probably to do with 
> the configuration of the production server.  If the test server's slow... my 
> guess is that the issue is to do with your application :-).
> Have you tried:
> - Profiling your application to see whether any parts are particularly slow;
> - Checking the load on the mysql database to see whether you're saturating 
> the database with queries, or whether concurrency issues are limiting the 
> throughput on the database;
> - Running the Performance Monitor from Administrative Tools and seeing 
> whether you're short of CPU (sustained CPU load over 80%), RAM (Pages/sec 
> consistently high or Memory/Available Bytes consistently below 10% of system 
> RAM) or disk I/O (physical disk queue length often greater than 2 per spindle 
> in your disk subsystem)?  This will give you a much better clue as to where 
> to start looking for the problem.
>                 - Peter
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