the speed of the connectors are (in order)

Http11Protocol - Java BIO connector, no poller, blocking read/write
Http11AprProtocol - APR connector, poller, blocking read/write
Http11NioProtocol - Java NIO connector, poller, simulated blocking read/write

the reason the NIO is slower, is cause it has to simulate "blocking" reads and writes through a non blocking API.The reason the BIO is the fastest, is cause there is no context switching during block simulation, or adding/removing the connection from a poller.

When it comes to SSL, the APR connector is much faster than both the Java connectors.


David Cassidy wrote:
Has anyone got a comparison of the NIO one vs standard java connectors ?
both with and without the native libs ?


On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 08:38 -0600, Brian Millett wrote:
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists escribĂ­o:
using mod_proxy_http, you want to enable

ProxyPreserveHost On

loknor wrote:
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
three options



Yep just found the other option, and a site that got me up to speed very
quickly. I can now communicate between Apache and Tomcat.


I'd also recommend that you compile the apr native libs for tomcat
(apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz) and enable it when you start
tomcat by adding "-Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib" (I installed the lib
in /usr/local/apr/lib).

What gives you is the apr interface for handling the http connects.

from the catalina.out:

Nov 26, 2007 9:31:10 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080

This handler scales and is quicker than the java handler.  JBoss calls it
JBossWeb.  See for a nice graph of the
performance differences between the native apr & java handlers.

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