
On 12/5/07, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> >> From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Subject: Re: tomcat.conf JAVA_OPTS
> >>
> > I'd recommend not setting these unless you really know what's going on
> > inside your heap.  It's usually more beneficial to set -Xms to the same
> > value as -Xmx.
> Me to :)

This has  amused me for a long time. If so, why the -Xms and -Xmx were
invented in the first place? Or to make things simpler why not using a
single memory variable just in this situation? Just to cause more confusion
to have two values like current arrangement?:)


- RuiXian

>>> Also, is there a way to start tomcat and have it
> >>> spit out what JAVA_OPTS it's using?
> >
> > Some of the options are processed by the launcher, some by the JVM
> > proper, so there's not any really good way to see them all.  You can set
> > the environment variable _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG, and it will provide some
> > information about what the launcher is doing and what it's passing on to
> > the JVM.
> >

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