Hi Tim

non server products like Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP the number
of concurrent connections is limited to 10.
This is discussed in Mladens article located at

----- Original Message -----
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 6:17 AM
Subject: ISAPI JK2 ran better than JK, how can that be?


So our website keeps crashing over the past couple of weeks (usual story on
this list eh?)

We've been running JK isapi plugin v1.2.15 for a fair while, but the isapi
redirector log always contains huge numbers of errors being thrown (see
snippet below). We were getting a complete failure of IIS to serve traffic,
solved only by a restart of IIS and Tomcat.

Very recently we moved up to v1.2.25 in the hope of improving performance
but it seems to have little effect- we're still getting high numbers of 503
responses sent back (maybe 5+ per minute).
We do however now serve static resources from IIS to reduce the use of the
ISAPI calls where possible.

But here's the kicker: - previously this year we were still using a JK2
isapi_redirector2.dll, and that seemed to be serving comparable traffic
rates with fewer errors (certainly no complete failures). No hard data to
support this yet, just my recollection of serious outages over the past
couple of years.

AWStats on our log files suggests our incident traffic is ~7 million pages
per month, peaking at lunchtime & early evening at perhaps 3-5 reqs/sec.

Scaling to multiple tomcats is not an option right now due to 3rd party
license costs in the webapp (its a CMS system).

Our environment:
Java 1.3.1
Tomcat 4.1.18
IIS v5
IIS & Tomcat are co-located on same server  (4GB RAM, win2k o/s)


- Are there obvious worker directives that would help the issue further ?
- In the list archives I've seen conflicting views on what to set
connectionTimeout to be in the tomcat and worker config. Some say 0, some
say 600 secs. Which tends to be more useful?
- All of the 00002745 errors - do they indicate a network problem upstream
of the server?
- When viewing the jkstatus page, the worker only shows type, host, address.
I was expecting further data as listed in the legend. Am I missing

isapi log:

[Fri Dec 07 03:35:16 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002745
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:16 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:16 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1731): Receiving from
tomcat failed, because of client error without recovery in send loop 0
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1731): Receiving from
tomcat failed, because of client error without recovery in send loop 0
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1731): Receiving from
tomcat failed, because of client error without recovery in send loop 0
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1731): Receiving from
tomcat failed, because of client error without recovery in send loop 0
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1731): Receiving from
tomcat failed, because of client error without recovery in send loop 0
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (639): WriteClient
failed with 00002746
[Fri Dec 07 03:35:17 2007] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1384): Connection
aborted or network problems

Out Tomcat connector config -

<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
redirectPort="8443" bufferSize="2048" port="8009" connectionTimeout="300000"
scheme="http" enableLookups="false" secure="false"
protocolHandlerClassName="org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler" debug="0"
disableUploadTimeout="false" proxyPort="0" maxProcessors="200"
minProcessors="2" tcpNoDelay="true" acceptCount="20"
  <Factory className="org.apache.catalina.net.DefaultServerSocketFactory"/>

worker.properties -

# 200 concurrent users

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