I'm using a JDBC realm with a site and sometimes when you try to access a
secured resource you get a blank page after logging in.  You have to refresh
the page to get the secured resource to appear. After that everything works
great. I'm using SSL now, but this happened before I was using SSL.
Authentication works normally on Tomcat in DEV.  I'm still trying to fine a
pattern to the problem.  This appears to only happen on the first login.  If
you logout and log back in it work normally.  I assume it is a Tomcat/Mod_JK
configuration issue.   If you have experienced blank pages after log-in I
would like to know what you found.

Here is what I'm using.
OS Name:        Ubuntu Feisty Fawn
OS Version:     2.6.20-15-server
JVM Version:    1.6.0-b105
Server version: Apache/2.2.3
mod_jk version: tomcat-connectors-1.2.23

I did find one error during start-up in the mod_jk.log:
 [error] init_jk::mod_jk.c (2701): Initializing shm:/etc/apache2/logs/jk-
runtime-status.8194 errno=2. Load balancing workers will not function
[warn]  jk_map_read_property::jk_map.c (432): The attribute '
worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
documentation for the correct replacement.


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