
I have finally gotten Tomcat 5.5.17 to work as a windows service on a
windows xp machine; it communicates with Apache 2.0.58 but only if if
the ServerName in mod_jk.conf, httpd.conf and in workers.properties is
the same as the computer name listed in system properties. Morever,
Tomcat appears not to like the directive VirtuaHost to be on in

This is however, problematic because I am sharing the server with
another person and his stuff is programmed to work with with an
different (alias) computer name and also with another root path. We
tried to put both the different name and the diffferent root  path in
the VirtualHost directive in httpd.conf but then all communication
between Tomcat and Apache appears to be gone, that is the
servlet-examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample is not found if called by
any machine name (both the alias and the system name); it still works
if called by localhost:8080. If we turn off the VirtualHost directive,
then Tomcat and Apache communicate with each other; but when
VirtualHost is turned off, Rickard's stuff does not work.

Any suggestions to documentation or ways to solve this will be greatly


Ljuba Veselinova
Dept of Linguistics          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stockholm University      Phone: +46-8-16 2332
106 91 Stockholm          Fax  : +46-8-15 5389
Sweden                         URL  : http://www.ling.su.se/staff/ljuba/

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