Hello again Mark, I have been looking in DataSourceRealm.java file as you
write below in previous messages.

Following the same method I change my code to:

  Context context = null;
  context = ContextBindings.getClassLoader();
  context = (Context) context.lookup("comp/env");
  dataSourceSQL = (DataSource)

But the same exception is thrown:

  javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context

Has anything change inside JNDI from tomcat 5.5 to tomcat 6.0 ?

I am confused because my implementation works perfectly on tomcat 5.5.25.

To clear my confusion I wrote this simple lines for output the names binding
to 'comp/env' using both methods.

        try {
            Context context = (Context) ContextBindings.getClassLoader().
                    "\n ---
ContextBindings.getClassLoader().lookup('comp/env') -> " +
            if ( context!=null ) {
                System.out.println(" --- context != null");
            NamingEnumeration list = context.list("");
            while (list.hasMore()) {
                NameClassPair nc = (NameClassPair)list.next();
                System.out.println( " --- " + nc.toString() );
        } catch (NamingException ex) {
                    "NamingException ContextBindings.getClassLoader()." +
                    "lookup('comp/env') -> context.list(): " +

        try {
            Context context = new InitialContext();
            context = (Context) context.lookup("java:comp/env");
                   "\n --- new InitialContext() -> " +
                   "(Context) context.lookup('java:comp/env') ->
            if ( context!=null ) {
                System.out.println(" --- context != null");
            NamingEnumeration list = context.list("");
            while (list.hasMore()) {
                NameClassPair nc = (NameClassPair)list.next();
                System.out.println( " --- " + nc.toString() );
        } catch (NamingException ex) {
                    "NamingException new InitialContext() -> " +
                    "(Context) context.lookup('java:comp/env') ->
context.list(): " +

I run this code in both tomcat servers 5.5.25 and 6.0.14 and this was the

Output in Tomcat 5.5.25:

 --- ContextBindings.getClassLoader().lookup('comp/env') -> context.list()
 --- context != null
 --- users: org.apache.naming.ResourceEnvRef
 --- jdbc: org.apache.naming.NamingContext

 --- new InitialContext() -> (Context) context.lookup('java:comp/env') ->
 --- context != null
 --- users: org.apache.naming.ResourceEnvRef
 --- jdbc: org.apache.naming.NamingContext

Output in Tomcat 6.0.14:

 --- ContextBindings.getClassLoader().lookup('comp/env') -> context.list()
 --- context != null
 --- users: org.apache.naming.ResourceEnvRef

 --- new InitialContext() -> (Context) context.lookup('java:comp/env') ->
 --- context != null
 --- users: org.apache.naming.ResourceEnvRef

I think tomcat 6.0.14 does not offer jdbc: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
where I put my data source.

Best regards and thank you very much for your attention,

Mariano Lopez

 -----Mensaje original-----
De:     Mariano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el:     jueves, 03 de enero de 2008 8:37
Para:   Tomcat User-List (E-mail)
Asunto: RE: Problem getting GlobalNamingResources DataSource DBCP from
Custom JAAS

Thanks for the reply Mark but I think that the problem is from getting JNDI
objects out of context, like my case is. Remember I need it to implement a
custom JAAS and the same implementation works perfectly on tomcat 5.5.25,
but not on tomcat 6.0.14.

I searched in bug database and nothing found.

I will try to open a new bug in tomcat bug database.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miƩrcoles, 02 de enero de 2008 20:52
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: Problem getting GlobalNamingResources DataSource DBCP from
Custom JAAS

Mariano wrote:
> Please any idea ?.

Try looking at how the DataSourceRealm does it.



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