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| Now I put SSO (SiteMinder) to my app, for that I had to use apache,
| because the SSO work with apache.

Okay, so SiteMinder adds headers to requests that match certain criteria.

| When I go there, I'm authenticated and if everything is ok (with my
| user/pass)
| this SSO add some extra-headers like this:
| header=SM_USER=w024461
| header=SM_USERDN=uid=W024461,ou=People,dc=bankone,dc=net

Can you get those headers in Tomcat? Or, are you saying that your can
observe the request while still in Apache?

| That mean, the extra-headers that SiteMinder (SSO) is putting in
| the request are coming to Tomcat. Untils here all is ok.

Sounds like Tomcat /is/ getting the headers.

| But now I don't know what configuration I should do it
| if I wanna be re-direct to mi wepApp;
| http://sscllinuxora03.santiago.cl.jpmorganchase.com:8084/RS
| passing the extra-headers without lossing them.

You cannot pass HTTP headers through a redirect, not matter what
configuration you use. The headers must be added with each request. That
means that, after a redirect, SiteMinder has to re-add the headers to
the new request. Thus, the redirect is not relevant to your problem.

| Need I make some configurations on:
| /home/tigger/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/webapps/RS/WEB-INF/web.xml
| or:
| /home/tigger/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/conf/server.xml

You should not have to do anything to these files at all.

Are you sure that SiteMinder is modifying the requests that ultimately
go to Tomcat?

- -chris
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