What happens if you include them, but empty -- eg username="" password=""? I don't configure my datasources without a username and password, so I've never actually tried it myself but it's worth trying.


Hi everyone,

The connection to SQL server in my machine is by default so username and
password are not needed to login. In this case, what should I specify in
<Resource.../> for username and password attributes? I tried not to include
them but got an error of "Login failed for user ''. The user is not
associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

<Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest"
        debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
  <Resource name="jdbc/EmployeeDB" auth="Container" type="
javax.sql.DataSource" username="<user name>" password="<pwd>"
  maxActive="8" maxIdle="4"/>


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