        We are intending to deploy our application on individual laptops
(to be used by field personnel who does not have internet connectivity
to connect to our central server). The idea is that a trimmed down
version of our core application will be deployed on individual laptops
running tomcat against a light weight Sybase database.
        I wanted to see if you had any suggestions about - 
        1. How best to deploy the initial version (5.5) of Tomcat on
individual machines  - We understand our options are Microsoft SMS, Java
Web Start application, shell script or Ant script to install Tomcat on
these laptop boxes. We are leaning towards Microsoft SMS since 
        (a) It can easily mass deploy the app to hundreds of machine
        (b) It is currently used in our organization to deploy some asp
        If you believe there are downsides to this approach or other
approaches are better please let me know
        2. How best to deploy the upgraded version (6.x or higher) - We
potentially could use the same approach as the first one, but wanted to
see if the opinion differs.
        3. And finally the rollout of initial app and upgraded app
version. Again probably use the same approach as before but wanted to
throw this out there in case there are better ideas.
        Please let me know your thoughts on this.

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