Hello all,

I've encountered interesting thing while working with Apache Tomcat 6.0.14.
I have clear aim: to change running server port number using the remote

There is an ability described in Tomcat documentation which provides
administrative tools for server management. In particular JMX Proxy servlet
provides commands that use server
JMX MBeans to change its configuration.

There is an assertion in chapter Catalina Functional Specifications
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/funcspecs/fs-admin-apps.html): "To
the maximum extent feasible, Catalina components that offer direct
administrative APIs and property setters shall support "live" changes to
their operation, without requiring a container restart." JMX MBeans
components described like such API.

In chapter Tomcat MBean Names (
Connector MBean is mentioned. It corresponds to Server/Service/Connector
element of server.xml configuration file. Chapter "Administered Objects"
contains the list of configurable properties of Connector element

), and there is a property "port - TCP/IP port number on which this
should listen for incoming requests. [8080]".

My remote application named "myapp" (myapp.war) tries to change server port
number. The most interesting is that I receive beneficial reply "OK -
Attribute set". Does it mean that now I can work with my application on a
new port number without restarting server, for example old URL
<http://localhost:8080/jmx>myapp<http://localhost:8080/jmx>and new
<http://localhost:8081/jmx>myapp<http://localhost:8081/jmx>or my
understandings are wrong?

My application (myapp.war) consist of single html page, containing single
link to JMXProxyServlet -
connector port to 8081</a>

After setting the new port number using JMX Proxy servlet I have executed
Query command to check my changes and received new port (8081) for MBean

My environment: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14, Windows 2000 x86, Java 1.6.0_03-b05,
IE 6.0

Any of your comments according this issue would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

My best regards,

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