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mfs wrote:
\> I have got my web app deployed on the tomcat 6.0.13, I wonder what
| configuration do i have to do so as to make tomcat (built-in http server)
| handles the scenario where a user has disabled the cookies on the
browser ?

Tomcat will use cookies if they are available but will use URL rewriting
if cookies are not available.... (see below)

| Initially i thought that this would be all taken care of transparently and
| the sessionId would become part of the url for all requests to the server
| but thats not the case and my application is taking me to session-expired
| page for all the links i click on..i guess thats because neither of those
| links have sessionId post-fixed in it...

Tomcat handles this "transparently" through the use of a pair of methods
~ (that is, it's pretty much /not/ transparent): You need to run all your
URLs through HttpServletResponse.encodeURL (or
HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL... these methods will actually
perform the rewriting.

If you use a JSP tag library to generate your URLs, it probably handles
this for you already. Otherwise, you will have a lot of work to do in
order to go back through all your web pages to add this bit of code to
each URL that you emit.

Good luck,
- -chris
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