On Jan 25, 2008 9:28 PM, Konstantin Kolinko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What exactly tomcat, log4j versions are you using?

Tomcat 5.5.23
Log4j  1.2.15

> Do those warnings affect the rest of your application?

No, but my customers notice them and file issues....

> Is you
> configuration read and is it used for the rest of logging?

Yes.  I manage the log4j configuration myself when my webapp loads -
from a props file - I'm not using any of log4j's auto configure /
discovery stuff.

I configure log4j before I use it.  But, maybe its possible that since
my webapp is providing log4j, tomcat is trying to use log4j for
something in my webapp before I have it configured?

Maybe I need to put some sort of junk log4j config file in my
classpath to make log4j toss out any messages that occur before my
code had a chance to configure log4j, if this is the case.

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