According to sun's doc: "The pathname must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to the current context root." is /servlet actually in the same webapplication as your jsp? Or did you put your jsp inside ROOT and your servlets inside a separate "servlet" webapp? In later case, you should use getContext("servlet").getRequestDispatcher("org.......").forward(...);

Emmanuel Milou a écrit :
The jsp code is very basic. Here is the content of each jsp file:

Of course, each jsp file calls the right servlet... like I said before, if the jsp file is in a sub directory, the name of the sub directory is preprended to the path .

david delbecq wrote:
Difficult to say, without the actual jsp code....

Emmanuel Milou a écrit :
I would like to have your input on this problem. It is quite tricky and I hope you will be able to help me. Here is my configuration: JDK 1.6.0_03, Apache-Tomcat5.5.25, connector ajp13. When I click on an option in the menu bar of my home page, JSP code is executed to call the servlet. It looks like that: /getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/servlet/path_to_servlet").forward(request,response); /The problem is that before the page is displayed, the path is modified, and if the JSP file was in a subdirectory (for instance named toto), the name of the directory is added to the path, and finally the browser looks for /toto/servlet/path_to_servlet, /which doesn't exist and I get an 404 Not Found Error. The right URL is /servlet/path_to_servlet, it works when I manually test.
It gives the same result for each JSP file saved in a subdirectory.
You must know that I used to run Tomcat 5.5 with the same configuration and it worked fine.
Thanks for your help.


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