Just use the same trick you already do. This time, instead of putting your index.html at ROOT, put it under the root folder of an apache httpd server for that host. This assumes you run an apache httpd server on that server and it listens to port 80.

I'm running tomcat 5.0 in a SUSE environment.
To access the webapp the user has to enter in a web browser
"app.server:8443" and it automatically redirects to
"https://app.server:8443/myapp/servlet/login"; (this is made with an
index.htm in the ROOT context). What I have been looking for is to avoid
the user to enter the port, so he just enters "app.server" and the
redirect to work the same. But I cant find the way to do this.

I've been working on this locally, trying to make "localhost" to jump to
"http://localhost:8080/myapp/servlet/login"; with no good results. Locally
I don't use HTTPS.
I know it doesn't make much diference because most users have bookmarks,
but setting up new workstations gets a little easier for the helpdesk team
and supporting the rest of the users too. For them to remember the port is
a little awkward because the concept is not clear.

Thanks in advance,

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