
i am trying to build a cluster of tomcats with mod_proxy_balancer.

At the moment my tomcats are connected via mod_proxy_http protocol port 80
tomcat uses compression and mod_proxy_balancer is doing fine with sending the 
compressed content to the client.

I wonder if i can do the same with mod_proxy_ajp. As AJP is a binary protocol 
anyway it doesn't need any compression for the response to my proxy server, 

But the response send to the client from my proxy needs compression for faster 
downloads. How can i tell my mod_proxy_balancer to compress the response with 

it tried the simple configuration 

   AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml

but it didn't work. did i misconfigure my proxy or isn't it possible at all to 
have mod_deflate filter the response from mod_proxy_ajp?

Sorry for being a little bit off-topic but i hope this question still relates 
to tomcat-users.

kind regards,

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