Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Huragan,
> Huragan wrote:
> | I am new to j2ee and have been trying to understand how cookies work.
> Cookies are independent of the J2EE specification: they are part of the
> HTTP specification. The servlet specification (part of J2EE) says that
> cookies are one supported way of client identification for session
> tracking.
> | I narrowed it down to the part of code where cookies get retrieved.
> | There are no cookies being returned with the response object. When i
> | displayed the header info there were no cookies being set at all.
> How did you observe this?
> | As you can see the code works if i comment out the cookies retrieval.
> If you say so.
> | However, I still tried to set it to true in the context.xml file.
> | which didn't work.
> Setting cookies="true" on context.xml only affects the use of cookies
> for session handling. It does not affect your application's ability to
> use cookies for other reasons.
> | Then tried to set a context element in Host in server.xml. Needless
> | to say that didn't work either.
> Yeah, don't do that.
> | Now am at my wits end as to why it is not working. i am attaching the
> | servlet code below:
> Let's see...
> |     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
> |                                       HttpServletResponse response)
> |             throws ServletException, IOException {
> |             Cookie c1 = new Cookie("userName", "Sandeep");
> |             Cookie c2 = new Cookie("password", "password");
> |             response.addCookie(c1);
> |             response.addCookie(c2);
> |             
> |             response.setContentType("text/html");
> |             PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> |             out.println("<HTML>");
> |             out.println("<HEAD>");
> |             out.println("<TITLE>Cookie Test</TITLE>");
> |             out.println("</HEAD>");
> |             out.println("<BODY>");
> |             out.println("Please click on the button to see the " +
> |                                     "cookies sent to you.");
> |             out.println("<BR>");
> |             out.println("<FORM METHOD=POST>");
> |             out.println("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=SUBMIT>");
> |             out.println("</FORM>");
> |             out.println("</BODY>");
> |             out.println("</HTML>");
> |     }
> So, this doesn't send any cookies? What if you flush and close the
> output writer?
> |             Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
> |             int length = cookies.length;
> Since the documentation for request.getCookies says that NULL can be
> returned, you ought to check for NULL before trying to do something with
> your "cookies" reference.
> - -chris
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As to how i got to know if the cookies are being retrieved or not, i
displayed all d info being retreived as part of d header. there was no
cookie entry there.
and i tried the flush and close. that didnt work either. i checked for null
being returned. it enters the else clause where i had it display that
cookies have not been retrieved.
if(cookies != null) {
                        int length = cookies.length;
                        for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
                                Cookie c=cookies[i];
                                out.println("Cookie Name: " + c.getName() + 
                                out.println("Cookie Value: " + c.getValue() + 
                } else {
                        out.println("unable to retrieve cookies. <BR>");
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