Looking here: http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html - no problems,
except we run Tomcat 5.0.28 and reading below in the site it says 
Apache Tomcat 5.5.x. It supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification
versions as Apache Tomcat 5.0.x,
Which is what servlet spec version?
I've figured out the taglib question:
Standard 1.1 is at least servlet 2.4 and Standard 1.0 is servlet 2.3
I downloaded the Standard 1.1 taglibs from here:
I'm reading the text from Oreily Java Server Pages and I'm trying to
produce a jsp page using standard <jsp:set/get> actions, but I get an
error message which I'm sure means I have the wrong taglib downloaded,
or does it mean something else?
javax.servlet.ServletException: Employee (Unsupported major.minor
version 50.0)
Leo Donahue

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