
I'm using manager in Tomcat 6.0.16 throught ant task (1.6.5) to undeploy webapps. I have copied the new catalina-ant.jar in ANT_HOME/lib directory.

The problem is that now the application is stopped instead of undeployed though the output message is "undeployed app at context /xxxxxx". I then use list task and my webapp is in status stopped. If I execute again the undeploy task, the output message is again "undeployed app at context /xxxxxx" but this time the webapp is undeployed and not listed anymore. It seems like the task is undeploying in two steps. I have been using the undeploy task since 4.1.27 version and the task never behaved that way. I have search the docs and there is no info about any change in 6.0.16 (6.0.14 is ok)

   Are there any undocumented changes in 6.0.16 or is it a malfunction?

Diego Rodríguez Martín
ALTIRIA TIC - Servicios SMS - Desarrollo Web
Tel. +34 913311198 - Fax +34 915713993 - Móvil +34 610299750

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