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Raghuveer wrote:
| There is no problem on Windows XP.

Then there is no problem with your code. Recompilation is not necessary.

| For windows 2000 I have compiled the source with encoding option
through ANT
| too.
| <javadoc sourcepath="${sourcedir}"

This is a <javadoc> directive, and not relevant.

| File encoding on windows system is - Cp1252.

Perhaps you should try setting the file encoding on Linux to Cp1252.

| I did not use this option as it is working fine with encoding option
in java
| compilation(javac)

Compilation is not relevant -- the runtime encoding /is/.

| Could you please provide me information of making my application to work
| both on linux and windows.

I tried. You did not read.

| Is there anything need to handle this in tomcat server ?

Yes. Please re-read my message. Your encoding is wrong. Correct it and I
think you'll have better luck.

If you think I'm wrong, use LiveHTTPHeaders or even Wireshark to sniff
the encoding header being sent by the server. If the encoding is not set
correctly (and in the right format), the web browser is going to ignore it.

- -chris
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