The required jar files will have to be made available to the java compiler. They can be made available either by pulling them from your war file or by downloading them from the sites that host them. Personally I would have an IDE (NetBean and Eclipse are both good, open source choices) or build tool (Maven and Ant are both excellent open source tools) handle the dirty work of compiling classes.


polock wrote:
I made a mistake I wanted instead of war file I wrote a jar file. So the web
application has been already created. My question is if I have to compile a
java class that extends one of the classes included in a jar file. Do I have
to extract from war file necessary libraries need for the compilation of my
file or there is a more elegant way to handle this?

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
Hash: SHA1

To whom it may concern,

polock wrote:
| I just put a jar file in my webapps folder

That's not the place to put it.

| now I would like to write
| some java files with classes that are available within jar file that
will be
| also part of a web application.

| Where should I place this new java files?

You need to create a web application, then. Find an online tutorial or a
book, and you'll see that a web application needs to have a directory
structure like this:


Your JAR files go under the "lib" directory and your compiled Java
classes go under the "classes" directory (of course, in
package-appropriate subdirectories). You should really also have a
web.xml file in WEB-INF.

Note that the Java source files are irrelevant to a web application:
they need not be included.

| Should they be compiled?

Yes, and they should be installed under the "classes" directory as
indicated above.

| Also I would appreciate a reffernce to some documents where this is
| explained!

GIYF (Google is your friend): try searching the web for this
information, as it is plentiful. Ignore anything that references "Apache
JServ" which is an outdated servlet container that has been out of use
for quite a long time (yet the documentation seems to survive on the web
for some reason).

- -chris
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