
I'm trying to configure Tomcat so that it can be accessed externally.

The environment is Tomcat 6.0, Fluxbuntu 7.10, JavaSE6.

The connection works locally , for example if I try
http://localhost:7070/ or I can see the app,
but if I try with the external ip address and the same port for

http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7070 , I can't access the app, I get a "The
server at external ip is taking too long to respond."

I read the HTTP Connector documentation :

It also appears that the router is forwarding the connection from the
external ip address correctly because If I do a netstat -tupan , on
the Linux command line it shows that the connection from the external
address was received correctly, but Tomcat isn't reponding to it.

I searched everywhere but couldn't find an answer.

Should I configure the HTTP connector differently? Currently the HTTP
connector configuration is the one that comes by default with Tomcat
6.x. I'm pasting it here for reference:

    <Connector port="9090" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Any help is appreciated.


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