See Thread at: http://www.techienuggets.com/Detail?tx=25608 Posted on behalf of 
a User

Hallo to all, After long unsuccessful research i hope someone can
give me a hint to the following problems.

Our Apache-mod_jk-Tomcat Infrastructur was running without Problems
for about one year-than since two month mod_jk errors occurs.
We upgraded the mod_jk Version, made improvements in the
worker.properties - the problems changed and get less but sometimes they
appear further on.

It seems that the mod_jk worker loose the connection to their
Tomcat-Backendserver - there are messages in the mod_jk log Files which
points in this direction. Normally this seems not to be a big problem -
but under certain conditions (which ?) the worker goes to an error state
and cannot recover itself- must be done manually.

Problem 1: The Tomcats are reachable - unknown why the workers think the server 
is dead ?
Problem 2: I have no idea why the worker goes to an error state and cannot 

2 is a consequence of 1

Problem3: I miss explanations of logged messages - i read the messages - but 
cannot match them to the situation - when does a worker post this messages

1 is a consequence of these messages

[Wed Feb 20 10:04:01.889 2008] [19237:3086010048] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2270): Aborting connection for worker=ajp_ggi [Wed Feb 20 10:04:39.799 2008] [19294:3086010048] [error] ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (1623): (INETP1011) Timeout with waiting reply from tomcat. Tomcat is down, stopped or network problems (errno=110)
[Wed Feb 20 10:04:39.799 2008] [19294:3086010048] [error] 
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2034): (INETP1011) receiving reply from tomcat 
failed with out recovery in send loop attempt=0
[Wed Feb 20 10:04:41.799 2008] [19294:3086010048] [error] 
service::jk_lb_worker.c (1105): unrecoverable error 504, request failed. Tomcat 
failed in the middle of request, we can't recover to another instance.

The second line tells us, that your configured reply_timeout fired.
You set it to 120000 (2 minutes), so there are requests taking longer than 2 minutes on the backend, before the first response packet comes back from the backend.

With your configuration mod_jk then doesn't wait any longer on the reply *and puts the backend into error mode*.

Up until version 1.2.25, if you use a reply-timeout, you need to set it to a high number which justifies the resoning "if it takes that long, that something is wrong with the backend".

Reality shows: there is no such number. Often there are few requests that take unaccetably long on the backend *although* the backend is still working.

So in 1.2.25 we added max_reply_timeouts. With this set in addition to reply_timeout, mod_jk will abort waiting for a reply after reply_timeout, but allow some timeouts before actually deciding to put the backend into error.

Unfortunately the implementation of max_reply_timeouts in 1.2.25 was wrong, so you need to go to 1.2.26 to get it working right.



Caution: this does *not* explain, why the backends are not automatically recovered after a minute of error condition. Maybe you have times, where you getr to many of those reply_timeouts (see log file), and although we recover after a minute the backend almost immediately goes back into error status.

-> Which Timeout - how does mod_jk think Tomcat is down ? Where can i found 
details to errno=110 ?...

reply_timeout, see above and also


errno: a standard unix feature. The numbers are platform dependent. I would assume in your case

ETIMEDOUT       110     /* Connection timed out */

so no wonder, that's exactly what we expect (and doesn't tell us the reason, i.e. what's wrong on the *backend* taking that long for a response).

-> receiving reply from tomcat failed with out recovery in send loop attempt=0  
- ? with out recovery in send loop - means?

That your configuration doesn't allow us to send the request to another backend. recovery_options 7 include: if mod_jk was able to send the request to a backend, do not try to send it to another backend in case of an error during the response handling. Even if you would allow sending to another backend, it would not help with *not* putting the worker into error state. More likely would be, that you would put all workers into error state, because all of them might run into the same timeout, one after the other.

-> unrecoverable error 504 - details to this error ?

That's simply how we return the situation back to the client (browser).

Ok - i turn the logging level to debug - the course of events get
clear - but also more questions appear - there are socket numbers -
which sockets - what are these numbers e.g will be shutting down socket
35 for worker INETP1021 - The sockets are good for ? - how many are
there/per worker ? can i configure them ?

Should not be the problem here. For apache httpd if you do *not* configure anything, we automatically choose the number of httpd threads as the maximum number of connections. No need to change anything here.

=> Generally -How can i solve such problems - i tried to look into
mod_jk code - searching for error codes, error messages - but cannot
find some relevant informations, - i am studying the log Files - but
don't find out what really happens.

Post to the list. Improve our dics.

The error message contains the word "timeout" and "reply" and you have a "reply_timeout".

Long running requests are a frequent problem. If you want to get rid of them, start by adding response times to your httpd and your tomcat access log format (%D). Then have a look, which URLs are producing long running requests, during what time of day are they happening etc. This might give you a clue about the reasons.

And if they are very frequent: do Java Thread Dumps of your backends and analyze them.

So - maybe someone has an idea why the worker think that the
corresponding Tomcat is dead, and why he will not recover by itself. !

Tomecat is dead: from the point of view of mod_jk it simply means: we didn't get an answer, when we expected one. Details depend on the additional log lines (could not connect, reply timeout etc.).

And i am also searching for tips how i can help myself - and where to
find something about the error codes, messages,..in mod_jk

thanks for your attention
ahmed musa (writing from vienna)



Current Infrastructur
We have 3 Apache Webserver (2.2.6) -based on CentOS release 4.3 /Kernelversion 
In front of the Webserver there are two (two Locations) HW-Loadbalancer (but 
they have no role in this story)
The Webservers are hosted at our ISP.
The Webserver balance the requests via mod_jk (Version 1.2.25) for
approx. 10 Webapps to 18 Backend-Tomcatserver (Bladeserver - because of
underlying Application-Parts the OS is Windows 2003 Server - a long
story not worth to explain :-) ). The Tomcatserver gain Data via
Requests against DB2 Server/DB2-Databases on the Mainframe. The
Tomcatserver are Inhouse -and were rebooted nightly because of automated
Deployment processes.

Between the Webserver and the Tomcatserver is a Checkpoint Firewall. All webapps are deployed on all Tomcats - only mod_jk manages the
requests to certain Tomcat- instances.
(on one Bladeserver there are two identically Tomcat Instances

Versions: Tomcat - 5.5.17_11, JDK 1.5.0_11-b03. The requests against
the public Website(s) are normal short living requests - not many - The
most Webapps (Portals) need a login, have a strong focus on business
logic - so the instances are big (many MBs in RAM), the sessions are
sticky and the session timeout is 20 minutes. But there are also less
requests. To the User requests - Monitoring requests from our ISP are added.
The Problems appears at Servers/Portals which very less Userrequests.




#Produktions Worker
# AS-INETP101 - 106 - 6/6 GGI

....many more of the same



.... many more portals

at least jkstatus

The JKMount is very simple
JkMount /* ajp_ad    --- for the other portals mostly the same

The Portals are Virtual Hosts on the Apache.

Tomcat - server.xml
<Connector port="65001" maxThreads="300" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
    <Engine name="Catalina" jvmRoute="INETP5021" defaultHost="default">
<Host name="slfinsol.com" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true"
autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="false" xmlValidation="false"
        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
directory="logs" prefix="swl_access_log." suffix=".txt" pattern="common"
resolveHosts="false" />
        <Context path="" docBase="swl" />
        <Context path="/monitor5" docBase="monitor" />
        <Context path="/swl" docBase="swl" />

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