Not easily.  See Christopher's response in this thread chain.  There is
not currently a way to not tell Tomcat that a request has come in and
not update the last ping time (or similar) on the Session.

Jason Pyeron wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 13:11
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Session expiration and AJAX issues


We are using Struts, however, version 1.2.9. But, after looking at the link, I'm not sure this will help as it doesn't really address the problem. Storing the date/time a user logs in on the session is probably useful, but our problem is that we want to forcefully log the user out if there's no human present at the computer and the AJAX tasks keep a user's session active indefinitely, whether or not they mean it to.

Can url patterns be excluded from session prolonging magic?

Additionally, assuming we didn't have the AJAX tasks, we'd have to check the logged in time from the session on every request and that's just not realistic when you have hundreds of Struts actions, even with a unique parent Action class. That said, I'm beginning to suspect that this may be the only way to go, i.e., have base Action for Struts actions and base action for AJAX actions. My only issue with this is that then the onus is on the developer to use the right Action and if they don't, a session could inadvertently be left open which is a security risk.

Alternatively, we could simply force the logout on the user after 12 hours period...which would kind of suck for the user if they were in the middle of something and so I can almost guarantee that our product management team wouldn't go for it since it's not really creating a positive user experience.


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