The problem is that ftp.getfiles won't even retrieve the files from the server! It sees them as invalid because of the date issue. So I have to retrieve them manually. Yeah, I could script up that part as well, but I don't think it's worth it for now.

Adam Gordon wrote:

Just set a cron job to do it every minute or (some other interval) and then you don't have to worry about it - just don't forget to remove the job tonight.


David kerber wrote:
Yeah, that's what I've done so far today, but the files come in continuously throughout the day for a total of 1000 or so, and we need to process them as they come in, so I've been letting them build up and doing it every hour or so. It's a pain, and I hope they get this fixed sometime before the next leap year (and enough before it that I have time to implement and test it!!!)


Adam Gordon wrote:
Short of downloading/patching the source code and redeploying, just a stab in the dark here, but maybe just execute "touch -d <date>" in the offending directory/directories. There's no recursive flag though, bummer. At least it'll only be a problem for 12 more hours (MST).



David kerber wrote:
I have found that the commons-net ftp.listfiles() fails to get files whose date on the server is on feb 29. Googling indicates that this a known problem (at least since this morning), but I haven't found a quick fix. Does anybody know of one?


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