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David Smithson wrote:
| Do you know of a better way of getting heap numbers out of Java?
| Right now I've got three metrics: jvm_mem_free; jvm_mem_max;
| jvm_mem_total.

Java has multiple heaps (okay, one heap segmented into several
generations), so you might want to find a tool that will give you more
detailed information. Search the archives for names of such tools.

| Examining the graphs, I see that 'free' and 'total'
| are not exact opposites.

That's an odd way of expressing their relative inverse relationship.

| 'max' doesn't change and I believe this is
| set with the option -Xmx2048m.

Yes. Max = -Xmx setting while total = the current max (which should be
<= Max).

| These are the java options relating to the heap:
| -Xmx2048m
| -Xms1024m

Save yourself some confusion and set -Xmx = -Xms. Admin lore suggests
that it's easier on the GC since it will never have to resize the entire
heap (and I tend to agree).

| -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

I've found that unless you are having problems, you probably don't need
to set the -X:MaxPermSize setting.

| -XX:+UseParallelGC

Same here.

| Jvm_mem_total creeps up to the max over time (about 2 days): During
| that time, jvm_mem_free fluctuates regularly, like this [nice graph].

Sounds just about right: the JVM is allowing the heap to grow from 1GB
to the max 2GB you gave it. The free memory fluctuates nicely. I would
watch it for a week to make sure you aren't observing a slow memory leak.

- -chris
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