Found the answer to my question.

The call to request.getRequestDispathcher(String aPath) works as it should. 
However, this method represents a kind of 'back door', through which query 
params may be added. 

Since my wrappER doesn't override this method, it does a call forward to the 
'wrappEE'. The wrappEE sees the query params, and saves them, but this info is 
not made automatically visible to the wrappER. **The wrappER needs to do extra 
work to ensure that such 'extra' query params are also made visible to it.**

Roughly, the wrapper should be something like this :

@Override public String getParameter(String aName){
  //first try wrapper's internal version of the parameter map
  //if not found, try super.getParameter(String), and see if it has any data 
for aName

That way, when the JSP uses the wrappER, it will see the extra query params in 
the usual way.

I have altered the code to reflect the above style, and it now works.


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