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Tomcat version? JVM version? Also, are you using a packaged Tomcat (from
RH) or are you using a real one from tomcat.apache.org?

Kimberly Begley wrote:
| Hi - I am doing something very wrong with a servlet I wrote - it seems
to be
| crashing tomcat5.5 - the log files are huge but I have pasted the ends
of 3
| of them - just wondering if anyone can interpret them in any way that
| tell me where to start...
| I built the program in java and tested it command line without errors
- - then>
| copied it into the doPost method of a servlet but have obviously done
| something very wrong but I'm not sure where to start.

It looks like a configuration issue, not a code issue.

Note that this "error" message:

| Mar 12, 2008 6:58:01 AM
| org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListenerlifecycleEvent
| INFO: Failed shutdown of Apache Portable Runtime

... is no big deal: you probably don't have APR installed, so Tomcat
can't shut it down.

It looks like Tomcat is failing to shut down properly:

| Mar 12, 2008 6:57:58 AM
| ssContainerRemoveChild
| SEVERE: processContainerRemoveChild: Throwable
| javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException: Invalid character ':' in
| value part of property


|         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.stop(Catalina.java:602)
|         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina$CatalinaShutdownHook.run
| (Catalina.java:645)

Note the description of the exception that is being thrown, there:

"Invalid character ':' in value part of property"

I wonder if you have a broken server.xml or context.xml for your

Have you customized Tomcat's server.xml file? If so, please post those
customizations and we'll take a look. If you have a META-INF/context.xml
file for your application, post that, too, and we'll see if we can find

- -chris
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