Christopher Schultz <chris <at>> writes:

> Praveen,
> pmanvi wrote:
> | I found that org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader was setting the
> | URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() with DirContextURLStreamHandlerFactory,
> | basically jndi stream handler.
> | I updated this file rebuild the class & placed it in
> | %TOMCAT_HOME%/server/classes directory so as to force classloader to
> load my
> | class.
> |
> | Now my custom URLStreamHandler is getting picked up properly.
> This is a great solution. For the benefit of those still reading this
> thread, could you post the changes you made to this class? It would be
> helpful for those searching the archives for solutions in the future.
> Thanks,
> -chris


Plus, one could place a link to it from the ticket on the Java issue tracker, so
that people coming from there have a solution at hand. I simply don't see this
getting fixed anytime soon.

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